Friday, March 7, 2014

28. The Best and the Worst of Florence

The best part of being in another country is experiencing their culture. Not just through museums and historical sites, but by walking the streets. Here are the coolest things I saw in the market and while walking around today

Cow Tongue

Pig Heads! Don't they look happy?

Brains. Not sure what animal, but brains.

 Cow Feet. yummmm

Pig Skin?

The entire chicken. It kinda looks like its just sleeping...

Most mannequins in Europe are weird. They do lunges, jump, hold some karate pose, or are just extremely disproportional.

Faucets flowing with chocolate - I'm envisioning a future kitchen design.

This guy and sidewalk chalk. 

It pains me to bring this next topic up, but I feel that the public needs to know this story: 

This afternoon us girls went to the perfume museum and spent a lot of time walking around downtown. After a couple hours of window shopping, our interests turned toward gelato. Let's be real, when are we ever not thinking of gelato. I decided to go for the Nutella flavor today. So we began searching every shop until we found it. 

This is where the day goes south. I walk into the gelateria and the sales lady asks "cup or cone?" easy answer. "SMALL cone" I reply. At this point mom leans in and informs me that their sign says the smallest cone is 3 euros. This is a little more than I usually spend on gelato, but was willing to splurge for a nice Nutella flavor, and was already committed with this seller lady. She asks what two flavors I want and I said Nutella and Snickers. She filled up the waffle cone and I meet her at the cash register. 

The rest happened in horrifying slow motion. She pointed to the little picture on the back wall with an assortment of cones, showed me that I had the second to largest cone, and told me that the price was 10 EUROS WHAT!!?? That's right everyone. I have been ripped off by an ice cream lady. All day I have been thinking about everything I could have bought with that 10 euros - 1 pair of jeans, 10 REAL small gelatos, 5 giant bubble wands, 3 crappy rings, that cute gray sweater at H&M, 4 jars of Nutella, 3 Starbucks coffee's, 13 (almost 14) red box movies in America, the list is endless. We even went into another shop for Scarlet to check out and the gelato guy made fun of me because HE KNEW I was ripped off without me even saying anything. Apparently I'm not the only one who has fallen victim to the evil, gelato scooping, money stealing, ice cream clerk. 

The most disappointing part of this story is that there was absolutely nothing special about this gelato. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The Nutella flavor didn't come close to the one we had near Trevi Fountain, and the Snickers Ice Cream Bars at Camp Tecumseh blow this lady's gelato out of the water. 

So next time you are at a foreign gelato shop, don't let the clerk take advantage of you, and if she does, just take the cone and run. 

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